Shopping with AirStall is 100% fun. We deliver all over the world.

Our fight against Covid-19

Because of Covid-19, the whole country is going through a rough patch but our goal to keep our customers happy has not changed. AirStall will be operating throughout the levels of the lockdown in compliance with the government's regulations. To know the latest statistics and news in terms of covid-19 and government regulations please click here.
It is our duty as a responsible business entity to ensure that our employees and customers are protected from this virus.

We have created a policy that requires all employees to wear protective face masks when on duty, at all times. The policy also encourages the frequent use of the alcohol based hand sanitizer. Procedures have also been put in place to ensure that all staff members maintain a safe 2 metre social distancing at all times. These are there as measures to prevent the spread of the virus therefore ensuring the safety of our employees and the communities we serve. Better ways of fighting this virus are yet to be discovered and so as a responsible company, AirStall is willing to use its resources to adopt every effective way of fighting the virus that will be discovered.

How to protect yourself when receiving your order:

-Have your hands sanitized before touching the items you have ordered.

-Wear a face mask; covering your nose and your mouth.

-Keep a safe distance from the delivery guy.

-When and if required to sign, remember that using your own pen is safer.

-Disinfect the goods if and when possible.

The coronavirus is a worldwide pandemic that threatens economies and governments treat it as a disaster. For that reason prices of goods and services in many industries will increase. However, AirStall will continue selling at the lowest possible prices in all categories. This will be in accordance with the regulations set out in the Disaster Management Act of 2002 and will be our contribution toward helping the economy recover. Stay safe!